北海道大学 大学院 生命科学院
北海道大学 大学院 生命科学院

Welcome to the Graduate School of Life Science in Hokkaido University!

The Graduate School of Life Science is one of the most recently established graduate schools in Hokkaido University, which itself has a longstanding history and has been dedicated to the education of students with global perspectives for nearly 140 years. Our main objective is to educate and foster the development of students with multi-disciplinary views beyond the conventional boundaries of life sciences.

For Future Students:

We welcome students from all over the world into our graduate program. Various scholarship programs (https://www.global.hokudai.ac.jp/prospective-students/scholarships/) are available for students from other countries who wish to study in our graduate school. Please check our laboratory list and contact faculty members at any time to obtain more detailed information pertaining to our educational and scholarship programs. We encourage you to join the Graduate School of Life Science, learn advanced life science with us, and enjoy your life in our beautiful campus in Sapporo, Japan!


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